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Nov 11, 2023 by Marc Peruzzi

Trade Secrets: Open Yourself Up To Opportunities

Featuring WRITER-EDITOR Gordy Megroz

Home Base / Basalt, Colorado.

Insider Knowledge

“If I could, all I would do is investigative journalism,” says the writer and editor Gordy Megroz. “It’s the most exciting work I do, and the most rewarding. But those stories are hard to come by.” Considering the reality of modern freelance writing, Gordy advises newer writers to take on all kinds of work. “I didn’t think I would enjoy writing corporate copy,” he says. “But I’ve enjoyed the challenge, and I’ve learned a lot about how businesses work along the way. Had I dismissed that work, I’d have missed out on relationships with a lot of great people, and those relationships have led to other work opportunities.”

Choose the opportunities that make sense creatively and financially. You still have to have a life.

But that doesn’t mean to always say “yes,” says Gordy. “You still have to pick and choose the opportunities that make sense both creatively and financially. And you still have to have a life. If I said yes to everything, I wouldn’t have time for my family.”

Quick Tip:

“Much of my work comes from editors and companies with whom I’ve already worked,” says Gordy. “When somebody new approaches me, I do a lot of research into who they are and some of the other work they’ve done in the past. Then I make my decision about whether to partner with them.”