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Apr 10, 2024 by Marc Peruzzi

Trade Secrets: David Holbrooke | Apply Original Thought


Home Base / Telluride, Colorado

Activities / Skiing, hiking, outdoor pursuits.

Insider Knowledge:

To Holbrooke, storyline is paramount. And that’s his advice to young filmmakers. Don’t just make a film. Find a story to tell. “The world needs more activists. We need people to build a new energy grid. Just because you had a great personal adventure doesn’t mean it’s the basis for a great movie. There are limited resources and limited audiences for documentaries these days. I want people to know that the films that don’t need to be made are taking up the space of films that need to be made. I hope that people are really intentional and thoughtful as to why a movie has to exist. What is that deep and far-reaching meaning? It takes work to find those stories. And you will face doubt and rejection. But when it hits it’s magic; like a powder day.”

Quick Tip:

 “Storytelling is good for you,” says David. “We all get that. It changes your outlook on the world and helps you connect with others. But storytelling should never be self-serving. Original thoughts change hearts, and society is ready for that change.”