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Home Forums The Evolving Hence Platform: Updates & Ideas. How Can the Hence Community Break Us Out of Our Silos?

  • How Can the Hence Community Break Us Out of Our Silos?

    Posted by mperuzzi on June 4, 2024 at 3:24 pm

    By design, Hence is building a big tent. It’s not just a narrow directory of photographers, it’s a global community of photographers, writers, editors, videographers, illustrators, artists, producers, directors, talent scouts, talent, athletes, and also the clients, publishers, and funders of good work. Phew. The taxonomy of what we all do is dauntingly extensive. But we don’t want to miss anyone because that’s not how work gets done.

    We’ll start the conversation: Collaboration is challenged by remote work and specialization. How can the Hence Community break us out of those siloed work patterns?

    mperuzzi replied 3 months ago 1 Member · 0 Replies
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