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Nov 11, 2023 by Beth Lopez

Trade Secrets: To Break In, Put Yourself Out There.


Home Base / Vermont & Utah

Insider Knowledge

Iz La Motte attributes her quick inroads into adventure photography and videography to her willingness to experiment. To break into this line of work, she says: “Get creative as often as possible. Push your style. Try and fail. We’re not meant to show up knowing everything. In this line of work, the learning is never over. That’s one of the things I love about it.”  

Try and fail. We’re not meant to show up knowing everything.

The more a young creative person can throw themselves into the roles they seek, she adds, the more they’ll gain experience. “Don’t wait for someone to offer you the position you’re dreaming of. Take the role on yourself and put whatever you create out into the world for people to see,” she says. Iz also isn’t afraid to ask for guidance. The shot above is with her mentor, Re Wikstrom.

Quick Tip:

“As a photographer, your connection with the athletes is everything. So much has to line up perfectly in the moment—both skier and photographer have to share an idea of what they’re going for. The snow, the camera angle, and the turn have to line up just right for the shot to work.”