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Jul 31, 2024 by Frederick Reimers

Trade Secrets: Ingrid | Ski As Much As Possible

Photo: Taylor Boyd / Approach 2

Home Base / Leavenworth, Washington

Activities / Skiing, Ski Coaching, Avalanche Safety Instructing

Insider Knowledge:

Ingrid Backstrom dominated women’s freeskiing for more than a decade. These days, she’s helping pass that mojo on to other skiers as a coach and role model to a new generation. Ingrid sees a lot of aspiring pros putting their social feeds in front of their skiing. “But the more you ski, the more the content happens naturally,” she says. “Everyone has their own unique style and you should lean into that.” That goes not only for athletic style, but sartorial and social as well. “We always say, ‘Look good, feel good, ski good’,” which is funny but true if you are trying to get noticed,” says Ingrid. 

Ingrid practicing what she preaches—and skiing a lot. Photo: Taylor Boyd / Approach 2

Quick Tip:

The more you ski, the more you’ll form connections with the people who can help you in your career, says Ingrid. “Those are the folks out there day-in and day-out, not just on the deep powder days.”